To access Systmconnect please click the link below
Online consultations via SystmConnect is a tool where you can ask the Practice questions and receive an online reply for both clinical and adminstrative matters. Online Consultations are for ROUTINE, NON-URGENT matters only and should relate to matters you feel can be dealt with online rather than a telephone or in-person consultation, although the GP may decide that a telephone or in-person consulation is the most appropriate outcome. Anything urgent should be dealt with in the normal way by contacting us by telephone or visiting either of our sites. Please be aware that anything deemed urgent that has been sent via this online method will be rejected. The Practice will not be held liable for any delays to urgent treatment if approached this way.
You can also use this tool to request admin functions such as sick notes for longer than 7 days, letters for insurance companies.
We will aim to deal with your request within 36 working hours to let you know when the Practice will respond, but please do remember that these are routine, non-urgent so if a GP feels a routine telephone or in-person consulation is necessary, this may be in a few weeks time, depending on availability.
You can access the service by using your exisitng SystmOnline account (after logging in, your personal details are already populated). You can also access the service by clicking the above SystmConnect icon but you will need to enter your personal details manually. SystmOne are already planning enhancements to this service and are in the final stages of linking NHSApp login credentials. This will be added at a future date.
We hope you enjoy using this service. Please feel free to provide us with feedback by using these QR codes: