The practice is dedicated to achieving and maintaining a quality health service to meet the needs of our patients. We aim to see all patients who wish to see a healthcare professional within 48 hours. We provide all our services in a courteous manner.
You can help us by:
Providing us with any change of address, telephone number or name so that our records are kept up to date.
Arriving promptly for your appointment.
Treating our staff politely. We know you are often unwell when you visit us and we do our best to help you.
Cancelling any appointment you do not need so that someone else can take your place (if you do not attend and do not cancel we may consider removing you from our list).
Ordering your repeat prescriptions in plenty of time.
Switching off mobile phones whilst on the practice premises.
Removal of Patient From Practice List
We would remove patients from our list in the following circumstances:
Living outside of the practice area.
Irretrievable breakdown of the doctor-patient relationship.
Violence or threatening behaviour to any practice staff.
Rudeness to any practice staff.
Persistent non attendance without cancelling booked appointments.
We will not remove patients from our list because of:
Costly treatment.
Patients suffering from any particular clinical condition.
Their age.
Zero Tolerance
We have a zero tolerance policy of violence against all practice staff. We will immediately remove any patient from our list for violence or abuse against any practice partner or employee.